PHP Constructor And Destructor- Tutorialpath

  • PHP Constructor, If a class name and function name will be similar in that case function is known as constructor.
  • Constructor is special type of method because its name is similar to class name.
  • Constructor automatically calls when object will be initializing.

Types of Constructor:

  1. Default Constructor (user defined constructor)
  2. Pre-define Constructor
  3. Parameterized Constructor

Note: Always prefer pre-defined constructor.

  1.  Example: user defined constructor


constructor example
constructor example


constructor example output
constructor example output

Note : Here we have called testA() method but we didn’t call A() method because it automatically called when object is initialized.

Predefine Constructor

PHP introduce a new functionality to define a constructor i.e __construct().

By using this function we can define a constructor.

It is known as predefined constructor. Its better than user defined constructor because if we change class name then user defined constructor treated as normal method.

Note: if predefined constructor and user defined constructor, both define in the same class, then predefined constructor treat like a Constructor while user defined constructor treated as normal method.

pre defined constructor
pre defined constructor


pre defined constructor output
pre defined constructor output

Initialize class property using constructor(Value entered by users)

initialize by user oops
initialize by user oops


initialize by user oops example
initialize by user oops example

Parametrized Constructor:

Parametrized Constructor
Parametrized Constructor


Parametrized Constructor output
Parametrized Constructor output

Destructor in PHP

The Destructor method will be called as soon as there are no other references to a particular object, or in any order during the shutdown sequence.

Destructor automatically call at last.

Note : _ _destruct() is used to define destructor.

destructor function
destructor function


destructor function output
destructor function output

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