Use of $this class in PHP- Tutorilpath

PHP $This Class
PHP $This Class

Use of $this class in PHP

  • To access or change a class method or property within the class itself, it’s necessary to prefix the corresponding method or property name with “$this” which refers to this class.

Access current class properties inside current class method



In the above example

  • Create a class demo with two global properties $first hold 1000 and $second hold 500.
  • Now want to access these class properties inside class method add( ) and sub( ).
  • So inside add( ) method call these class properties( to prefix the corresponding property name with “$this”) with the help of “$this”, store the result inside $add variable.
  • Print the $add variable using echo statement.
  • Do the same for sub( ) method and store the result in $sub variable.
  • Now create the object of demo class, using “new” keyword and store the object reference in $obj variable.
  • call the method add( ) and sub( ) with the help of object(using connector(->) ).

Access current class methods inside other method



$_this example
$_this example


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