Step:1 Download latest wamp software(64bit for 64bit OS and 32bit for 32bit OS)
Step:2 click on setup
Step:3 click on next
Step:4 I accept the agreement and click on next
Step:5 choose drive of your computer
Step:6 click on next
Step:7 click on install
Step:8 choose your browser asked if Firefox found click on yes otherwise no.
Step:9 Completing the setup wizard click on finish
How To Execute PHP Script On WAMP Server
Step 1 : First Create PHP script using any editor like notepad, notepad++ :
Step 2 : Save file as following…
Create a directory inside www like(myproject)
Save it inside: C:wamp/www/myproject/index.php
Start WAMP server (first time only)
Step 3 : Run the PHP script
Open Your browser and write in url : localhost/myproject/firstProg.php