Container Tag
HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets.
These actually consist two tags, a start tag and an end tag, which enclose the text.
Ex:- 1
1 container tag is we can define all the HTML tags inside the given tag.
Ex:- 2
=> We putting inside the <html>tag.
=> Body tag give all description of the document’s layout and structure.
HTML Empty(Non-Container/Blank) tag
Non- container tag/empty tag : Container tags are also non empty tags .
Ex:- 3
In the above example => The two tags are non-container/empty tags.<br/> line break tag and <hr/> is used to break the line and display line across the screen. =>These do not hold any text or any other tags.
HTML Element Property
Most of the HTML element(tag) have some attributes(properties)
Ex:- 4
An HTML element usually consists of a start tag and end tag, with the content inserted in between:
In the above example
=> The html element defines the whole document.
=> The body element defines the document body.
=>The heading element defines a heading.
=>The p element defines a paragraph.
=> The bgcolor attribute is used to set the background color of the body. and Background attribute is used to set the image on background of a document.
=> heading tag is used to display headings on web pages. attribute Align with (value=”center”) are for alignment of heading on web page.