HTML Lists- Tutorialpath

Hello to all of you, thanks for landing on the, which is “Your Path to Learn Everything” in an easy way and you can learn almost every sort of important elements about online things. As you land here, so we can assume, you are a newbie for HTML Lists language, so you don’t need to worry about it.

Welcome to all our readers on our website at As you all know that here on our website we will provide you lots of information related to the latest and newly introduced technology which help you to get updated with the latest tech. Here you will get all the useful information which is required in this tech world. As you know technology is one of the trending part in this world. So, here again we came up with a latest and new tech information which is related to the process of creating Basic HTML Lists for Beginners. With the help of this article you will get to know the complete process of how to create Basic HTML Lists for Beginners in a step by step manner. So, simply have a look to this article and grab all the useful information which is going to be very helpful for you.

HTML Lists

What is a list?

HTML list is used to display some content in ordered manner or unordered manner..

For example:

  • A shopping list
  • To-do list

Lists in HTML

HTML offers three ways for specifying lists of information. All lists must contain one or more list

The types of lists that can be used in HTML are :

  • ul : An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets.
  • ol : An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items.
  • dl : A definition list. This arranges your items in the same way as they are arranged in a dictionary.

HTML Unordered List

  • HTML <ul> tag define Unordered List(list of Unordered items). HTML <ul> tag is a Container tag.
  • It is use to display list of item with bulleted style.




ul output
ul output

HTML Ordered List

HTML <ol> tag define ordered list(list of Ordered items).

HTML <ol> tag is a Container tag.

If you are required to put your items in a numbered list instead of bulleted, then HTML ordered list will be used. This list is created by using <ol> tag. The numbering starts at one and is incremented by one for each successive ordered list element tagged with <li>.


order list
order list


order list output
order list output

HTML Definition List

HTML and XHTML supports a list style which is called definition lists where entries are listed like in a dictionary or encyclopedia. The definition list is the ideal way to present a glossary, list of terms, or other name/value list.

Definition list are stars with <dl> tag and close with </dl> tag.

  • <dl> tag have two tag <dt> and <dd> defined inside tag.
  • <dl> tag is a empty tag. Its use to define definition list. It does not have any attributes.
  • <dt> tag is a empty tag. Its use to define definition team. It does not have any attributes.
  • <dd> tag is a empty tag. Its use to define definition define. It does not have any attributes.


definition list
definition list


definition list output
definition list output

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