CSS COLOR- Tutorialpath


Welcome to all our readers on our website at www.tutorialpath.com. As you all know that here on our website we will provide you lots of information related to the latest and newly introduced technology which help you to get updated with the latest tech. Here you will get all the useful information which is required in this tech world. As you know technology is one of the trending part in this world. So, here again we came up with a latest and new tech information which is related to the process of Css Color. With the help of this article you will get to know the complete process of how to create Css Color and class in a step by step manner. So, simply have a look to this article and grab all the useful information which is going to be very helpful for you.

Css uses color values to specify a color. Typically, these are used to set a color either for the foreground of an element (i.e., its text) or else for the background of the element. They can also be used to affect the color of borders and other decorative effects.

You can simply identify your color values in multiple formats. Following table lists all the possible formats −


These formats are explained in more detail in the following sections −

CSS Colors – Hex Codes

A hexadecimal is a 6 digit representation of a color. The first two digits(RR) represent a red value, the next two are a green value(GG), and the last are the blue value(BB).

A hexadecimal value can be taken from any graphics software like Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paintshop Pro, or even using Advanced Paint Brush.

Each hexadecimal code will be preceded by a pound or hash sign ‘#’. Following are the examples to use Hexadecimal notation.

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CSS Colors – Short Hex Codes

This is a shorter form of the six-digit notation. In this format, each digit is replicated to arrive at an equivalent six-digit value. For example: #6A7 becomes #66AA77.

A hexadecimal value can be taken from any graphics software like Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paintshop Pro, or even using Advanced Paint Brush.

Each hexadecimal code will be preceded by a pound or hash sign ‘#’. Following are the examples to use Hexadecimal notation.


CSS Colors – RGB Values

This color value is specified using the rgb( ) property. This property takes three values, one each for red, green, and blue. The value can be an integer between 0 and 255 or a percentage.

NOTE: All the browsers does not support rgb() property of color so it is recommended not to use it.

Following is the example to show few colors using RGB values.

Building Color Codes

You can build millions of color codes using our Color Code Builder. Check our HTML Color Code Builder. To use this tool you would need a Java Enabled Browser.

Browser Safe Colors

Here is the list of 216 colors which are supposed to be most safe and computer independent colors. These colors vary from hexa code 000000 to FFFFFF. These colors are safe to use because they ensure that all computers would display the colors correctly when running a 256 color palette −


So, as of now we had shared all the useful information related to Css Color which will going to very helpful for you. This article will help you to understand all the details and steps in a proper manner. Also, if you like this article then simply share this article with others as well so that they also understand all the details and information easily. On the other side, if you find any error in this article or if you have any query related to this article then simply drop a comment in the comment section below so that we will get to know that what issue you are facing and also we can reply to your query instantly.

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