Polymorphism in PHP- Tutorialpath

This word is can (from the Greek meaning “having multiple forms”) poly and morphism. Poly means “many” and morphism means property which…

PHP Inheritance- Tutorialpath

Inheritance is a mechanism of extending an existing class by inheriting a class we create a new…

Encapsulation in PHP- Tutorialpath

  Encapsulation is a concept of wrapping up or binding up related data members and methods in…

PHP Constructor And Destructor- Tutorialpath

PHP Constructor, If a class name and function name will be similar in that case function is known as constructor.…

Use of $this class in PHP- Tutorilpath

Use of $this class in PHP To access or change a class method or property within the class itself, it’s…

PHP Class Object

What is Class? Class is a collection of related method & Properties. NOTE: Function is known…

Object Oriented Programming- Tutorialpath

Object Oriented is an approach to software development that models application around real world objects such…

PHP String functions

Strings can be seen as a stream of characters. For example, ‘T’ is a character and…

php-mysql- Tutorialpath

PHP & MySQL Tutorial Learn how to use PHP & MySQL PHP is the most popular…

Error handling in PHP- Tutorialpath

PHP is used for web development. Error handling in PHP is almost similar to error handling…